Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics Of Cheating Essay - 752 Words

Cheaters Never Win, Oh wait they do†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦they’re Cheaters Cheating is defined in the dictionary as, to deceive by trickery; swindle, however the dictionary fails to tell you if it is right or wrong to cheat. People have many different beliefs when it comes to cheating; some think its fine to do while others completely disapprove. I intend to show the different beliefs, from different perspectives of people, and also intend on proving which beliefs have the strongest and weakest arguments. An ethical egoist could argue that we have an obligation to cheat. Ethical egoists maintain the belief that we should act selfishly. We should do things that we believe in our self-interest, which is our own genuine interest. Egoist would cheat to†¦show more content†¦A cheater would not be regarded as a good person but rather, a bad person and a liar. A utilitarian would probably agree with cheating. Utilitarianism believes that morals are based on the happiness or misery of people. If a person cheated and got an A on the test, they would obviously be happy. Utilitarians also have the tendency to look at the short-term affects of a situation. For example, cheating would result in an A, however the broad perspective is that nothing would be learned, or if they were to get caught cheating they would fail, therefore in actuality they are not benefiting at all. Deontology on the other hand would argue that you should not cheat. Deontology assumes that we all have clear sets of duties that we ought to obey, these are given to us from God or our own reason. Therefore cheating is obviously wrong, so you ought not to cheat. Deontology believes that you have a set of duties that you follow. In deontological ethics, an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the result of the action is good. Of the three approaches to ethics that are mentioned above I think that the egoists support of cheating makes the best argument. Although, I personally do not believe in cheating I do think that egoist do justify the act of cheating. Egoists feel that we should put our selves before all others and that we should do what makes us happy. They feel that whateverShow MoreRelatedEssay Ethics of Cheating735 Words   |  3 PagesCheaters Never Win, Oh wait they doÂ…Â…Â…theyre Cheaters Cheating is defined in the dictionary as, to deceive by trickery; swindle, however the dictionary fails to tell you if it is right or wrong to cheat. People have many different beliefs when it comes to cheating; some think its fine to do while others completely disapprove. I intend to show the different beliefs, from different perspectives of people, and also intend on proving which beliefs have the strongest and weakest arguments. An ethicalRead MorePersonal Ethics : An Ethical Person? 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